How To Get Certified
A step by step process to get certified
For Brand Owners
Recognise the customer need
Customer preference has shifted towards sustainable products, made from recycled sources.
Simplify supply chain claims verification
Verify manfuacturer's claims is a challenging, time consuming process and not part of your core business. Loop Certifications solves this problem. We leverage third party audits to ensure Loop's impartiality.
Update suppliers requirements
Ensure your suppliers and manufacturers are aligned with your company's sustainability goals by including Loop recycled content certification as part of the supplier onboarding requirements.
Certification body carry out audits
Your manufacturing partners are audited by Certification Bodies. The audit usually lasts one day and the whole process, from audit request to certification, is completed in under a month. This will vary with the number of SKUs involved.
Your SKUs are Loop Certified
You can now leverage Loop's certification and consumer-facing QR code to market your product as sustainable, with the confidence that the suppliers' claims are 100% trustworthy.
For Manufacturers
Recognise the customer need
Customer preference has shifted towards sustainable products, made from recycled sources.
Strong selling point for Brand Owners
Differentiate yourself from your competitors by proving to your customers your products are made with recycled material.
Identify certification body
Contact Loop directly at enquiries@loop-certified.com.
We will help your company identify a suitable certification body.
Define scope and agree audit day
Agree with the Certification Body the number of products that could be Loop Certified. Agree the day of the audit.
Audit day
The audit usually lasts one day and the whole process, from audit request to certification, is completed in under a month. This will vary with the number of SKUs involved.
Certification, QR code and Logo
Your product is now Loop Certify! Demonstrate now to customers and end-users your companty is committed to a sustainable future.